Gerri Harden
The Main Gallery . January 28 – March 4, 2016
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 28, from 7 pm – 10 pm
Harcourt House Artist Run Centre, 3rd floor, 10215 – 112 St, Edmonton
Gerri Harden’s exhibition, Inside Out, examines and expands on particular diagnostic criteria presented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V).
“Having been diagnosed Bipolar 1 as a teenager, I’ve had the opportunity to experience first hand what it feels like to face the inherent limitations, and how it redefines ones aspirations.”
By providing an underlying message that mental illness is neither as hopeless nor as terrifying as is often portrayed, Harden explores the emotional journey, battle and resolution of a mental illness diagnosis.
To enhance the general understanding of symptoms and inspire empathy for those dealing with mental disorders, Harden communicates her experiences by characterizing the internal struggle and management of her illness. By offering her perspective, she simultaneously presents to the viewer a proactive method of using introspection and external regulating behaviour as a way to control certain symptoms.
A diagnosis need not be a prison sentence. There are many things within your power to employ as a means to regain a state of equilibrium.