Citizen of the World: Portrait Project w/Sara Norquay
The Art Incubator Gallery
Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 12 – 3 pm
Harcourt House Artist Run Centre, 3rd floor, 10215 – 112 St, Edmonton
Would you like to be part of Sara Norquay’s project Citizen of the World? You are invited to come to Harcourt House on April 14 between 12:00 and 3:00 pm to talk to Sara and get your picture taken. Your portrait will later be transformed into a hand printed linocut and displayed as part of her ever-growing exhibition, Citizen of the World. The current iteration of the project is on display at Harcourt House until May 12, 2018 (learn more here).
This free event occurs in our Art Incubator Gallery at 10215-112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB.
Please call 780 426 4180 or email for more info.
Image by Genevieve Imagery