Where Edmonton Community Artist Network (WECAN) Society
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm
The AGM will be held online on Zoom
Dear Members of WECAN Society:
Please be advised that the Board of Directors of Where Edmonton Community Artists Network (WECAN) Society has called the Annual General Meeting.
This AGM will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 7:00 pm. In efforts to help our community control the spread of COVID-19, this AGM will be conducted online through Zoom.
The agenda for this meeting will include:
- The Annual Reports on the activities of WECAN Society/Harcourt House Artist Run Centre in 2019.
- Future plans and activities of WECAN Society/Harcourt House Artist Run Centre.
- Nominations of new Board members.
The Agenda and copies of the minutes from the last year AGM, the Annual Financial Statements for 2019, and the 2019 Annual Reports are available below:
Please note, due to the time limits of our online platform this year, there will be no formal presentation of the reports. As such we strongly encourage anyone who intends to join the online AGM to read through the above reports prior to the meeting and prepare questions in advance.
In addition the 2020 Annual General Meeting Forms (Proxy Form, Nomination Ballot, and Call for Motion Form) are here: 2020 AGM proxy/nom forms. Nominations of new Board members of WECAN Society will be accepted prior to the Annual General Meeting. Completed nomination forms and Proxy Forms are to be sent to Hadeel Othman at prior to the AGM.
Since this is a completely new format for our AGM we would like to outline how to join the meeting from your computer or personal device and how the meeting will function in an online setting.
To Join:
- Everyone will be sent an email on Wednesday morning with the AGM Meeting Link ID
- Sign up for an account on the Zoom platform on their website here
- In the top right hand corner of the Zoom page click on the “Join a Meeting” button in the middle
- Enter the Meeting Link ID sent out in the email on Wednesday morning
- You will receive a prompt to download and run Zoom, once you proceed with this the Zoom meeting window should launch automatically
- You will be prompted to start video and/or audio, turn on both – the settings for these are on the black bar on the bottom of the screen
- You are now in the Zoom meeting
Please note if you have any issues joining the meeting at the time of the AGM please email or call us at 780-426-4180 and we will invite you directly through your email.
AGM Procedures:
- Once you are able to join the meeting please introduce yourself in the chat as your record of attendance
- The chat icon is on the black bar on the bottom of the screen
- The monitor will mute each person as they enter the call, to ask questions or make nominations later in the meeting the monitor will unmute each person as needed
- Once everyone has had a chance to introduce themselves we will proceed with the AGM according to the AGM Agenda
- This year we will have no formal presentation of the reports, as such we encourage all participants to read the AGM- Minutes, the Finance Chair’s Report, the Financial Statements/ Review Engagement Report: the Executive Director’s Report, the Art Exhbition Chair’s Report, the Art Education Chair’s Report, the Building Committee Chair’s Report, and the President’s Report ahead of time and prepare your questions as needed
- During the AGM a Yay vote will be indicated with silence, for a Nay vote please click the “Raise Hand” motion and the monitor will unmute you to let you make this vote
- If you would like to make a motion, nomination, approval, or ask a question you may do so through the “Raise Hand” feature when the time is appropriate
- This feature can be accessed by clicking “Participants” on the bottom black bar, a white column will appear on the right side of the screen with a list of all participants in the meeting. The “Raise Hand” option will be at the bottom of that column
- We will respond to the “Raise Hand” motions in the order they are receieved
- All audio and chat messages from the AGM will be recorded and kept as an official record of the meeting
We realize that this procedure is less than ideal to hold an Annual General Meeting and there will no doubt be some coordination issues with this strategy, but we ask that you have patience with during this process. Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who chooses to join us for our AGM in this new format for their steadfast support, and we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday evening.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please contact Hadeel Othman at